Essential Readings on Plumbing and Home Maintenance

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Ever seen different types of plungers and what their primary purpose is? Did you know that there are two main types of plungers and different techniques to make plunging effective for each ...

Published: 09 Jan 2017

It is a common problem to experience clogging in your toilet and the easy solution is to have an expert plumber to unclog it for you. Sometimes, however, the normal routine of ...

Published: 31 Aug 2015

Are you considering replacing your toilet? Is it giving you so much trouble but you are not sure whether to have it repaired r replaced? These may be the questions that you ...

Published: 29 Jun 2015

Do you find your tub current unattractive? Is it rusty? Is its porcelain flaking off? Do you want to buy a new one? Getting a new tub is a major project for ...

Published: 24 Jun 2015

When it comes to clogging problems for plumbing, there are many people who don’t think of showerheads. In fact, it’s common to find that people focus on fixing other aspects of their ...

Published: 02 May 2015

One of the common plumbing fixtures you are likely to want in your home is a bathtub. Most people prefer them over regular showers on account of the fact that they are ...

Published: 25 Apr 2015

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